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What Bible is saying about dance?

The Bible, the holy scripture of the Christian religion, mentions dance in several places throughout the Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testament, dance is often associated with religious celebrations and ceremonies, such as the Israelites dancing before the Ark of the Covenant in the book of Exodus. In the New Testament, Jesus and his disciples are recorded as having danced at the marriage at Cana.

In the Bible, dance is often seen as a form of worship and expression of joy and thanksgiving. For example, Psalm 149:3 says “Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre.”
However, some Christian denominations have historically viewed dancing with suspicion, interpreting certain passages of scripture as condemning it as sinful or immodest.

Tiru Sameer is a Dance Coach, Choreo Specialist, Dance Therapist and Nutrition Consultant.

Sameer is also the founder of Anyone Can Dance (ACD with Sameer) where so many dance aspirants are reaching their dream of Dancing.

With 22 years of experience as a dancer he has trained more than 15 thousand people globally from diversified age groups of 4 years to 77 years. ACD with Sameer Achieved completing 10,000 live hours of live online dance training and becomes best online dance training platform.

Below is the link if you want to register/refer for Dance workshop organising by Sameer every week which is 5 Days workshop

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Why we will have body pains and leg pains after Dancing ?

Dancing is a physically demanding activity that can cause muscle soreness and fatigue, particularly if you are not used to regular exercise or if you push yourself too hard. Dance movements can also put stress on certain joints and muscles, which can lead to pain and discomfort. Additionally, improper technique, ill-fitting shoes or fatigued muscles can also lead to pain after dancing. It’s important to stretch before and after dancing, to wear appropriate shoes and to avoid over-exertion. If the pain persists, it’s best to seek medical attention.

Body pains and leg pains are a common experience for people who dance for the first time, especially if they are not used to engaging in physical activity. This is because dance involves a combination of physical movements, such as jumping, twisting, and bending, that can put stress on the muscles and joints.

However, it is important to note that experiencing pain after dancing is not unique to this activity. It is common to experience muscle soreness and fatigue after engaging in any type of physical activity that one is not used to, whether it is other sports, gymnastics, or other forms of exercise.

In fact, the type of pain experienced after dancing is similar to that experienced after other types of physical activity. For example, a person who goes for a long run or engages in high-intensity interval training for the first time may experience soreness and fatigue in their legs and other muscles.

It is also important to note that experiencing pain after dancing does not necessarily mean that the person has been injured. In most cases, the pain is simply a result of the muscles and joints adapting to new physical demands, and it will usually subside after a few days of rest and recovery.

In conclusion, experiencing body pains and leg pains after dancing for the first time is common, but this is not unique to dance. It is a common experience for people who engage in any type of physical activity that they are not used to. As long as the pain is not severe and does not persist for an extended period of time, it is usually nothing to be concerned about.

Tiru Sameer is a Dance Coach, Choreo Specialist, Dance Therapist and Nutrition Consultant.

Sameer is also the founder of Anyone Can Dance (ACD with Sameer) where so many dance aspirants are reaching their dream of Dancing.

With 22 years of experience as a dancer he has trained more than 15 thousand people globally from diversified age groups of 4 years to 77 years. ACD with Sameer Achieved completing 10,000 live hours of live online dance training and becomes best online dance training platform.

Below is the link if you want to register/refer for Dance workshop organising by Sameer every week which is 5 Days workshop

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Why many Doctors are joining Dance sessions ?

Many doctors are joining dance sessions as a form of physical exercise, stress relief, and to improve their coordination and balance. Dance can also be a fun and social activity that can help doctors connect with their colleagues and patients in a non-clinical setting. Additionally, studies have suggested that dance can have a positive impact on mental and physical well-being, which is important for the overall health and well-being of doctors.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the physical and mental health of people around the world. For doctors and other healthcare professionals, the pandemic has presented a unique set of challenges, including long hours, high stress, and exposure to the virus. As a result, many doctors have turned to dance classes as a way to improve their physical and mental health.

  1. Physical health: The physical demands of dance can be a great way for doctors to improve their overall health and fitness. Dancing requires strength, flexibility, and stamina, all of which can help improve cardiovascular health, joint mobility, and muscle tone. Additionally, dance can be a low-impact way to get in a good workout without putting too much stress on the body.
  2. Mental health: Dance has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. For doctors and healthcare professionals who have experienced high levels of stress and trauma during the pandemic, dance can provide an outlet for relaxation and self-expression. Additionally, the social aspect of dance classes can provide a sense of community and connection, which can be particularly beneficial for those who have experienced social isolation during the pandemic.
  3. Skill development: Learning a new skill like dance can be a great way for doctors to challenge themselves and develop new neural pathways. This can help improve cognitive function and memory, as well as boost self-esteem and confidence.
  4. Creative expression: Dance is a form of creative expression that can help doctors and healthcare professionals tap into their emotions and communicate in new ways. This can be particularly important for those who have been exposed to trauma and difficult emotions during the pandemic, providing an outlet for processing and expressing those emotions.

In summary, doctors and healthcare professionals have turned to dance classes as a way to improve their physical and mental health, develop new skills, and engage in creative expression. The physical demands of dance can improve cardiovascular health and muscle tone, while the mental benefits include stress reduction and improved cognitive function. Additionally, the social aspect of dance classes can provide a sense of community and connection, which can be particularly important during times of social isolation.

Tiru Sameer is a Dance Coach, Choreo Specialist, Dance Therapist and Nutrition Consultant.

Sameer is also the founder of Anyone Can Dance (ACD with Sameer) where so many dance aspirants are reaching their dream of Dancing.

With 22 years of experience as a dancer he has trained more than 15 thousand people globally from diversified age groups of 4 years to 77 years. ACD with Sameer Achieved completing 10,000 live hours of live online dance training and becomes best online dance training platform.

Below is the link if you want to register/refer for Dance workshop organising by Sameer every week which is 5 Days workshop

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Why Smile and Expression is important while Dancing?

Smiling and expressing oneself while dancing is important for several reasons. It can help communicate emotions, engage with the audience or other dancers, and improve the overall performance. Here is an emotional story to illustrate the importance of smiling and expression in dance:

Maria was a shy and reserved young woman who had always struggled to express herself. She had a love for dance but often felt too self-conscious to perform in front of others. Despite her reservations, she decided to audition for a local dance company.

At the audition, Maria felt nervous and uncertain, but as soon as the music began, she felt the familiar thrill of dance. As she moved across the stage, she felt a growing sense of joy and freedom, and a smile spread across her face.

To her surprise, the judges responded positively to her performance, noting her expressive movements and infectious smile. Maria felt a surge of confidence and happiness, realizing that her expression and joy had communicated something powerful to the audience.

In the following months, Maria continued to dance and perform with the company, gradually becoming more comfortable with expressing herself and sharing her emotions with others. Her smile and expression became a defining feature of her performances, and she felt a sense of fulfillment and joy in being able to communicate through her art.

Through her journey, Maria learned that smiling and expressing oneself while dancing is an important part of the art form. It can communicate emotions, connect with others, and enhance the overall experience. By embracing her own joy and expression, Maria was able to overcome her reservations and become a confident and expressive dancer.

Tiru Sameer is a Dance Coach, Choreo Specialist, Dance Therapist and Nutrition Consultant.

Sameer is also the founder of Anyone Can Dance (ACD with Sameer) where so many dance aspirants are reaching their dream of Dancing.

With 22 years of experience as a dancer he has trained more than 15 thousand people globally from diversified age groups of 4 years to 77 years. ACD with Sameer Achieved completing 10,000 live hours of live online dance training and becomes best online dance training platform.

Below is the link if you want to register/refer for Dance workshop organising by Sameer every week which is 5 Days workshop

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How Dance helps in Balancing Climate

Dance itself does not directly help in balancing climate. However, many dance performances and events can be used as a medium to raise awareness about climate change and promote sustainable practices.

Raising awareness: Many dance performances and events are used to raise awareness about environmental issues, such as climate change, and the importance of protecting our planet. This can be done by incorporating messages or themes related to environmentalism into the choreography, costumes, and stage design.

Promoting sustainable practices: Many dance events and performances can promote sustainable practices by encouraging the use of energy-efficient lighting, recycling, and reducing waste.

Inspiring action: Dance performances that raise awareness about environmental issues can inspire people to take action in their own lives to reduce their environmental impact, such as by using public transportation, recycling, and conserving energy.

Encouraging community: Dance events and performances can bring people together and help to build a sense of community around environmental issues, which can inspire collective action to address them.

Using art as a medium: Dance is a powerful art form that can be used to convey meaningful messages and connect with people on an emotional level. So, it can be a powerful medium for raising awareness about climate change and encouraging sustainable practices.

It’s important to note that, while dance performances and events can raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage sustainable practices, it is not a substitute for direct action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Tiru Sameer is a Dance Coach, Choreo Specialist, Dance Therapist and Nutrition Consultant.

Sameer is also the founder of Anyone Can Dance (ACD with Sameer) where so many dance aspirants are reaching their dream of Dancing.

With 22 years of experience as a dancer he has trained more than 15 thousand people globally from diversified age groups of 4 years to 77 years. ACD with Sameer Achieved completing 10,000 live hours of live online dance training and becomes best online dance training platform.

Below is the link if you want to register/refer for Dance workshop organising by Sameer every week which is 5 Days workshop

Heartfelt Gratitude and respect to all my

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