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Longest Testimonial for ACD by Vipin, The Graphologist

Hi Guys..

I would like to share something.

I have been attending a master class on Dancing Since this Monday(From 5th Dec, 2022). Its a familiarization cum training session on the idea ‘Anyone Can Dance’.

For the past 4 days I have been a part of it and the amount of shift that brought within me is huge. The shift has been in terms of Understnding about Self, My belief system in Dancing and about the huge benefits that comes along with the process called Dance.

I have always wanted to shake legs to music in a more refined way but cudnt never pursue it or even try to learn it for reasons like i was very conscious about my body, had a perfectionist mindset which always hold back to make mistakes or an imperfect dance move etc.

But Somehow i came across this programme on FB and the first thing i did was to look at the comment section of that advt. I found it unusually postive and more genuine.

So I jus thought “Y not give it a try, anyway its jus for 199 rupees and moroever it will help me atleast getup in the morning”. Hence I joined and attended the first session.

Even for that session, the first 5 min I attended as if I was attending a lecture as I was jus sitting in my bed and watching how the trainer is showing the steps and what others are doing.

I was jus enjoying as if i have come to watch circus. But what suddenly caught my attention was that, the enthusiasms of the participants.. A considerable number of them were above 60 for sure and for sure shaking legs for the first time.

Something then flashed in me, that shud I have to wait another couple of decades to be in that age group and feel that i have missed it last time and do it at that old age. It sent a quick shock to me.

I jumped out of bed reminding myself that ifI want to dance then I have to stand first and shake the body. Then there was no turning back.

I got myself fully immersed in the class and followed the trainer. I didn’t care of how I look while I dance, what others feel when they see me etc.. In the zoom session it was just me and the Trainer.

And you know, it hit me further when he said, ‘Many wud advise you to dance as if there is Nobody is watching But the reality is Everyone of us want to Dance as if Somebody is watching.

We need to accept that first and take the right tricks and techniques to make the move more graceful “. Then there was no more shyness in me and I started fully enjoying the class. And being an Alpha I started even motivating my co participants by appreciating them, cracking jokes and all.

And U know who is the best dancer of the class??

Well its not me, but a retired gentleman who is mostly above 65.the grace he brings while moving just amazes me.. For me He was my competitor in the class. We both motivate each other to do well.

And You know, today I noticed that the Trainer has the names of 2 participants at the tip of his tongue. Its that Gentleman dancer and obviously mean.

I believe that The reason for my name in that trainer’s mind is not only bcos I am proactive in the session but the way I engage with others as well as the way I contribute to his program as a participant.

A few of my takeaway from that session are

1. I realised Dancing is all about Placing, Direction and Action.

2. Dance brings the smile, the original smile in u.

3. It reverses aging.

4. When i read about some studies on the influence of dance, I found dance helps in dealing with many illnesses viz, depression, loneliness, mood swings etc.

5. Dance completely brings shift in our life, to make us focused, to enjoy every moment, to take on the challenges of life with confidence and smile.

I realised what I got in return of 199/- rupees was a fortune.

I jus wanted to share these to you because I not only Me to be Happy but my dear friends also to be Happy.I know you all are Happy in your ways but if anyone of u feel that you have a dancer in you and wud love to see the change it brings in you, I will strongly recommend the program to them.

When One reach the end of this, one cud feel I was pitching to enrol you guys😂😂. Its not that way anyways.

Love You Guys..

Thank you so much Vipin

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