Anyone Can Dance

My Learnings on Marketing

I was the one who always have low eye on Marketing especially while i was doing my MBA.

Later i have realised marketing is the zone which is contributing majority to the country economy directly and indirectly.

Today i am understanding marketing is the one which is so dynamic in nature.

In this article i want to share my learnings on law of Marketing and relevant concepts so that i can hold the knowledge in my memory as i am writing this so my nervous system functions good.

Thank you Digital Deepak for the amazing sessions on the same topic and i appreciate your efforts in the field of Digital Marketing

Let’s dive into the concepts i wanted to mention in this article.

  1. The Fundamentals of Marketing

I want to mention 3 Fundamentals of Marketing one should know to understand who are their customers and what they need and can do justice to the word Marketing.

a. Marketing is about finding a customer in need

To find a customer in need involves the following:

  • Understand that who is the ideal customer/consumer is for your product or service
  • Understand that where your ideal customers spend time and how they are availing their need at present
  • Understand that how to pose yourself with your talent in front of those customers to help them realise why you’re the best option for them.

Make sure you studied above things clearly and understood before spending your hard earned money on advertising.

b. Marketing is about art of communication with your customers

  • Marketing is an art of communication.
  • Communication in Marketing is an art of understanding your point of view and also of your customers.
  • Knowing your customers wants and needs and how are you knowing them so that you can help them in a better way. Always find different ways to communicate with your customers so that you will come to know what is the best path of communication.This is the stage where there is a chance of earning the support and trust of customers.

c.Marketing is a process of education

  • We know that learning is continuous process and so the marketing also.
  • We need to educate ourselves and also the customers continuously to build the trust, relationship and prove them why they are important for you.
  • Consumers avail services from people and companies that they are familiar, love, and believe.
  • We should not throw the offer in front of the customers every-time and we should take a chance to explain the same offer to them and why its very important for both the parties.
  • Marketing is the one that takes research, time, and understanding. It requires patience, compassion, and empathy.
  1. Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Marketing is one of the significant element in a business, as it helps to get customer’s attention. There are two types of marketing. One is traditional marketing and the other is digital marketing. Both are the best in their respective ways and also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Hence, choosing between both is entirely depends on the nature of the business. Following is the comparison analysis.

FactorTraditional marketingDigital marketing
DefinitionIt is one type of marketing that utilizes media, TV, or magazine to advertise any business’s services and products.It is one type of marketing that uses the internet and social media for advertising businesses.
EngagementLowRelatively high
ConversionSlowExtremely fast
Investment returnsNot easy to measureSimple to measure
Effectiveness More expensiveLess effectiveLess expensiveMore effective
TargetingStandardised Customised
Tracking Not possible Possible 
Reach Local Global 
Tweaking Not possible once the advertisement is placedOne can change or edit anytime
ResultsSlow resultsQuick and live results
Communication It is mostly one-way communicationIt is a two-way communication
Interruptions It is not easy to skip the advertisements, as they are bound to the users.One can easily skip between advertisements if it does not interest them.
  1. CATT Marketing Funnel
  • Content –  We should create and have required content that offers true value to the customers of your business. Content can be of Free or Paid and it can be unique also but make sure it is of great quality.
  • Attention – We need to communicate this content via Google ads, Facebook ads, SEO, social media, blog posts through website and other sites, and more. Customer attention is required towards the created content.
  • Trust – Trust is the belief a customer have in the service. It gives confidence to service provider in delivering the promising services and giving what’s right for the customer.
  • Transaction- Transaction happens if the customer is happy. Happy customers are your greatest asset.

( We will need Website, Content, Email Marketing and Social media to organise this process.)

  1. Integrated Digital Marketing
  • Integrated Digital Marketing is the one we should follow when we are marketing our services online.
  • We need to put the efforts across all media to have fruitful results instead of putting efforts on separate platforms.
  • For example few businesses only use social media and expect sales… few only use SEO, complaining that people aren’t buying. The same applies to paid marketing.
  • In order to take advantage of digital marketing, an integrated process is required.
  1. Personal Branding: MassTrust Blueprint
  • To make above mentioned effective and functional, we have to create personal brand.
  • Our personal brand is how we promote ourself. It is the culmination of skills, experience, and efforts that we want customers see in us.
  • We use our personal branding to stand out special from other people.
  • Classically, our personal brand is the image that customers look at us.

Here is the summary of above mentioned by commenting my niche is Dancing

Digital marketing is the future and it should be integrated.

Be superior in understanding the customer and provide value to them and they will make you unique in the market.

It is not a good idea to completely outsource marketing because creators always market at its best.

The purpose of this article was to cover concepts that i am using in Anyone Can Dance with help of about marketing and the CATT funnel by using facebook ads. Thank you so much for reading this post so far, and if I have provided you with something valuable because you are my valuable customer, please give me a “Valuable” comment in the comment section.



ACD Coach

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